Health 3 - Fit Body Weight Loss
Fit Body Weight Loss
September 10, 2019

Can Having A Smoothie Each Day Change Your Life?

As a Board Certified Master Nutritionist— who also personally lost over 130+ pounds of unhealthy weight— I wholeheartedly support adding in a daily healthy smoothie into your life. I personally enjoy a smoothie packed with fresh fruit and vegetables each day and have reaped the may benefits. I suggest you give it a try as well. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of adding in a healthy smoothie daily: Helps You Lose WeightSmoothies can help you lose unhealthy weight without skipping any meals. The fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and berries that are used in smoothies serve as excellent […]
August 5, 2019

Do You Really Need Supplements To Help You Lose Weight?

It’s Question time! As a Board Certified Master Nutritionist, who specializes in Metabolic Hormone Therapy for Weight Loss, I am asked all the time, CAN I JUST EAT HEALTHY AND SKIP ANY SUPPLEMENTS? My answer is strait forward, yet needs to be expanded. Technically, yes, however, it would require an astronomical amount of food to meet your nutritional needs. You can skip supplements… ONLY IF you eat: 42 bananas🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 35 tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 5 gallons of spinach 🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬 5 quarts of nuts and seeds🥜🥜🥜🥜🥜 50 chicken legs. 🍗 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗 50 salmon filets 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟 This is a list for just ONE DAY […]
July 30, 2019

How To Choose The Best Produce At The Supermarket. Become A Food Whisperer.

So, you’ve probably heard of the “Dog Whisperer”, if not, let me recap. It’s a hit reality show based on canine experts who seem to posed magical powers to get even the most unruly pups to act like little angels. It’s amazing! Essentially, this is the same idea, only with fruit and vegetables. As a Master Nutritionist I will teach you how to select the best of the best produce for the most robust flavor, greatest health benefits and budget friendliness. Let’s be honest, there’s few things more dissatisfying than spending 10 minutes to slice up a gorgeous watermelon for […]
July 9, 2019

3 tips to turn your coffee from healthy to super healthy

Today’s good mood is sponsored by coffee! ☀️ ☕Choose a quality, organic brand. The quality of coffee can vary greatly depending on the processing method and how the coffee beans were grown. Coffee beans tend to be sprayed with synthetic pesticides and other chemicals that were never intended for human consumption. Nevertheless, if you are worried about the pesticide content of your coffee, buy organic coffee beans. They should contain much lower amounts of synthetic pesticides. ☕Add some cinnamon to your coffee. Cinnamon is a tasty herb that mixes particularly well with the flavor of coffee. Studies show that cinnamon […]
July 9, 2019

Nutritionist Approved Healthy Hacks For Your Summer BBQ

Now that summer is officially here it can be challenging to stick to plan and make healthy choices with all the pool parties, BBQs and summertime festivities… But it is possible and we will show you how! Here are a few nutritionist approved healthy hacks to keep you on track for your health and wellness goals this summer! Remember, you got this!☀️ Plan ahead and then stick to the plan. Parties and gatherings are fun— but the temptation to eat unhealthy is not so fun. You can still party like a boss and stay on track with your health goals […]
July 9, 2019

Improve Emotional Health With A Large Dose Of Vitamin NO.

Have you heard of Vitamin “NO”? It’s this awesome, new thing where you actually say “NO” to people, activities, events, and random commitments, so that you can say “YES” to your GOALS, DREAMS and PEOPLE you LOVE. As a busy wife, mom of three and Master Nutritionist/entrepreneur, I used to run myself ragged 😩, stressed out 😖and over-committed 🥵to every event and activity offered to me. If it was business related I NEVER SAID NO! ⏰I felt like I never had enough time.🚫No time to workout.🚫No time to cook healthy meals.🚫No time to journal or meditate.🚫No time to enjoy long […]
May 16, 2019

Competition for Weight Loss— 90% More Effective

I have to admit I ❤️ to COMPLETE — with myself! I like the feeling of pushing myself to work harder, lift more, run faster, sweat more… You get the picture! But, DID YOU KNOW that COMPETITION IS SUPER GOOD FOR WEIGHT LOSS? Like 90% more effective!! Get competitive! A study published in the journal “Preventative Medicine Reports” compared different ways that weight loss routines motivate people to transform their health and found that COMPETITION was a far stronger motivator than just friendly support. (Attendance rates were 90 percent higher in the competitive groups than in the control group.) In […]
April 15, 2019

Summer 90 Day Challenge

The struggle is real! I am like most women and have personally faced issues with… 👉Body Image 👉Weight 👉Overeating 👉Emotional-eating 👉Endless dieting If anyone understands the struggles with weight loss it’s me! As a mom of three who personally lost 134 pounds myself and a Master Nutritionist I understand that we tend to beat ourselves up for not being PERFECT or where we want to be yet. We think that we need to be PERFECT to be ready to CHANGE… I promise, you do NOT! Imagine what would happen if all the energy you put into anxiety about your body, […]
March 4, 2019

Top 3 Natural Things You Can Do For Your Body To Help Prevent A Stroke

If you have not heard the sad news today, former 90210 star, Luke Perry has passed away from what medical experts say was a MASSIVE stroke. He will be greatly missed! In Luke’s honor, I am dedicating this nutrition post to helping educate the world on natural ways to prevent a stroke. Signs of a stroke include: weakness on one side of the body numbness of the face unusual and severe headache vision loss numbness and tingling unsteady walk Too many people ignore the signs of stroke because they question whether their symptoms are real. My recommendation is, don't wait if you have any unusual symptoms! Listen to your body and trust your instincts. If something is off, get professional help right away.
February 12, 2019

The Sexy Six: Top Foods For Romance

Romance is in the air this “Valentine’s Day. Add in these six healthy foods to your menu— along with some candlelight and fresh flowers— and sparks are sure to fly! Pumpkin seeds: pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which is essential for preventing testosterone deficiency in men. They are also loaded with libido vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, E, C, D, K and minerals including calcium, potassium, niacin and phosphorous. Pumpkin seeds can also help boost your mood. They’re one of the best food sources of an amino acid known as tryptophan, which helps the production of serotonin in your brain. Antidepressants help the brain to circulate serotonin, so if you’re taking them now, these little pumpkin pick-me-ups may make them even more effective.
January 6, 2019

Hottest Health Trend of 2019

STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY: Could this trend do more harm than good? We’ve all heard the saying that strong is the new skinny. Before it, the predecessor was skinny is the new beautiful. What is the newest mantra of 2019? HEALTHY IS THE NEW SKINNY. As a Board Certified Master Nutritionist, top 10 nutritionist in America, and a woman and mom of three who has lost over half my body size, 134 pounds, I believe HEALTHY is 2019’s hottest trend and what the majority of the population really desire as their New Year Goal. People are no longer looking for get thin quick promises, but rather a healthy approach that offers a feeling of vitality, energy, wellness and total wellbeing.
October 27, 2018

3 Tips On How To Treat Yourself

Yes, you caught me with a tasty pistachio ice-cream cone in my hand! Even the Master Nutritionist enjoys a treat every now and then… Let me teach you how to TREAT, NOT CHEAT! The word “CHEAT” has such a negative tone. It makes you feel down, depressed, guilty and wrong. There is nothing wrong, or to feel bad about, enjoying a small slice of cake on your birthday or a handful of chocolate covered strawberries on your anniversary. However, there is a RIGHT WAY and a WRONG WAY to indulge. With the holiday season upon us, these three tips just […]

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