July 8, 2018

Christina’s top five thyroid healing foods

Christinas Top 5 Thyroid Healing Foods 1) Omega-3 Eggs: Packed with nearly every nutrient your thyroid needs for optimal function! This includes zinc, Salemme, iodine and omega-3’s. All of these are natural fat burners and perfect for thyroid health! 2) Spinach: This leafy green is a good source of thyroid boosting zinc as well as high doses of vitamin C and magnesium. All of these nutrients are proven to lower levels of stress hormones that drastically damage the thyroid! 3) Avocado: This amazing super food is a powerful combination of soothing good fats and natural amino acids that help our […]
July 5, 2018

Top 10 Foods for Fast Weight Loss

Time EAT MORE & Stop Trying to be SKINNY! Are you ready to finally trim the fat off your body and get healthy? Well, then get ready to eat more— a lot MORE! I know what you’re thinking. Christina must be crazy! How can you eat more and lose weight and shed fat?! As a Master Nutritionist—who personally shed over HALF my size, equaling 134 pounds of unhealthy body fat, I can promise that I eat MORE now than I ever did when I was obese. When I first began my journey of losing over 130+ pounds my first instinct […]
July 5, 2018

Hungry or Hormone Imbalance?

Are you hungry or are you experiencing a HORMONE imbalance in your body? Many times cravings are caused by spiked cortisol (stress), insulin (sugar spike and drop) and low amino acids (malnutrition). And YES, you can be overweight and malnourished! It’s SUPER important to make sure your HORMONES balanced and your body is well nourished with these awesome tips! 1) Skip the addicting hyper-palatable Foods. AKA goodbye junk food! 2) Eat more fiber. Fresh veggies and fruits are your best friends for weight loss and happy hormones. 3) Drink your water! Often times thirst is confused as hunger. In fact, […]
July 3, 2018

Top 5 Healthy Habits Every Girl Should Know

As a Master Nutritionist and mom of three, who’s lost 130+ pounds naturally — Here’s my TOP 5 Healthy Habits every girl should know! 1) Never, ever, EVER starve yourself to lose weight. It leads to malnutrition, hormone imbalance and serious health issues. 2) Focus on being HEALTHY not skinny! When you place too much emphasis on a “perfect” number or size and not on living a healthy lifestyle it can negatively effect your body and emotional health. 3) Lift weights and do strength training exercises. I promise you won’t turn into “She-Hulk” and you will love your strong, sexy […]
May 29, 2018

Healthy Secrets To Grilling A Better Burger

It’s grilling season and I know we all love a juicy, delicious burger! As Master Nutritionist I’m going to share my secrets on how I make the most delicious, flavorful and healthy bun-less burger. Before I share my secret, I want to talk about hamburger meat. Everyone has a food budget, but I suggest only buying grass fed ground beef. It is so much healthier for you and is much easier to digest. And, with the extra flavor I don’t miss the extra additions like chips, buns or other sugary items on my plate. The flavor is much more satisfying […]
May 12, 2018

How To Vision Board For Beginners

Without VISION we are lost. I really enjoy the process of making vision boards. I’ve done this throughout my 134 pound weight loss journey. It helps me take all my ideas, far off dreams and goals and get them so I can see them. Here’s a few tips that helped me get going: 1) Dig deep! Don’t be a cliche and do whatever someone else does. Really show what YOU desire. 2) Try to find images that speak to YOU. This needs to be fully you represented. 3) Don’t rush it! Take your time and enjoy the process. It’s an […]
April 27, 2018

How To Have A Fabulously Fit Summer!

Are you ready to shed the fat and look and feel your best this summer? As a Master Nutritionist and weight loss expert— who personally lost over half my body size (134 pounds)— I can assure you losing weight and reaching your goals does not require hours and hours in the gym. Even just 30 minutes daily at home will make a huge impact. Well then, let’s get started! (*As always, before beginning any new workout program be sure to wear appropriate shoes, drink plenty of water, eat a healthy meal or snack after and consult with your medical provider […]
March 24, 2018

Don’t Sacrifice Your Health or Your Happiness to Lose Weight

Wherever I go, these go with me! I so LOVE the way my entire body (and mind) feels on these medical grade Fit Body supplements! This is my promise to you… At Fit Body Weight Loss you don’t have to sacrifice your health or your happiness to lose weight. We help you see results — all while enjoying a healthier, happier lifestyle! Healthy Life = FUN Life! As a Master Nutritionist, I make sure every bite of food, supplements, and even the skincare I (and my family) use are 100% organic and toxin free. I bring this same passion for […]
January 23, 2018

How To Have Your Own “Organic” Spa Day At Home

Have you ever just felt like you needed a vacation— Like right NOW!? However, jetting off to some exotic spa was not in the plans today, so as a Master Nutritionist I decided to create my own home organic spa day. When you really need to relax and detoxify and here’s how YOU can enjoy your own little SPA DAY at home… You’re welcome! Step One: Avocado and charcoal face mask. Combine ingredients and leave on for one hour. Skin will be so soft, smooth and totally detoxified. Step Two: Coconut oil hair mask. Take two tablespoons of organic coconut […]
January 15, 2018

Learn To Make This Flu-Fighting Soup

Made this immune boosting, muscle building, flu-fighting soup today! I’ve nicknamed it “Vampire Soup” because of the large amounts of garlic, which is also known as “Russian Antibiotics” for its impressive antibacterial properties. With flu season up in some states over 700+%, this is with having on hand and a must try if you or your family feel run-down or under the weather. As a Master Nutritionist, I’m always looking for ways to incorporate the Earth’s healthiest edibles into my dishes… I think this soup takes home the trophy for its delicious, robust flavors, healthy properties and how EASY it […]
January 11, 2018

Foods That Heal (Fight the Flu & Colds)

Chicken soup There’s a reason your grandma always had a bowl of this at the first sign of sniffles. Not only does chicken soup provide the fluids you need to help fight off viruses, but it also reduces inflammation that triggers symptoms and leads to more colds. In addition, the added protein boosts cell growth. Citrus— especially lemons. When life hands you lemons, make lemon water and lemon tea! Lemons are one of the few fruits in the citrus family that actually improves the production of white blood cells which fight free radicals. In addition, they are anti-bacterial which will […]
January 4, 2018

The 3 Flaws of New Years Weight Loss

As a Master Nutritionist, who personally lost 130+ pounds I might add, I work with people all over America to help them lose weight and get back on track with their nutrition. Of course, New Years opens the floodgates for those desperately dealing to shed the winter weight and get their body back after months of holiday treats. Here are the 3 Flaws that I find most frequently… Not Eating Enough Yes, you can lose weight without starving yourself! I know what you’re thinking— and no this does not mean you’re going to have to live in the gym full […]

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