As a mom of three school aged kids and a Board Certified Master Nutritionist I am often asked how can we help our kids eat better. With back to school in full swing, a busy schedule is no excuse for skimping on nutritious snacks— even the pickiest of eaters will enjoy!
As a mom myself, one of the major reasons I make sure my kids get a variety of healthy snacks and meals is to ensure they keep their immune system strong. I’m sure you feel the same way. Avoid the back to school sniffles and colds by keeping your kiddos nutrition on point.
Here is a list of some of the best SUPERFOODS that will boost your child’s immune system naturally. Use this list as a jumping point for creating your own customized list. But first, here’s a few easy tips to help you get your picky eaters on the healthy band wagon.
One of the best ways to help kids eat better is by offering them more healthy options they may like and enjoy. Let them feel as they are apart of the selection process and they are more likely to eat the foods they themselves help select. Another great tip for picky eaters is make the healthy meals and snacks are visually appealing with colorful utensils, bright and fun lunch boxes and preparation. After all, apple slices are far easier to grab and eat in comparison to a whole, uncut apple. Kids eat with their eyes and if it looks delicious they will often give it a shot.
• Apple slices
• Raw Carrots (purple, gold & orange)
• Citrus (all varieties)
• Berries of all kinds
• Grapes
• Acai berries
• Blueberries
• Watermelon
• Greek Yogurt
• Almonds
• Pistachios
• Walnuts
• Avocado
• Spinach
• Hard boiled eggs
• Broccoli
• Smoothies
• Nitrate free lunch meat
(There are many, many more but this is a quick list!)
These superfoods have all the great vitamins and minerals that children need to stay healthy and avoid catching a cold.
Lastly, as a parent avoid stressing if your child refuses to eat their vegetables. This does not mean you’re failing as a parent. This is very common in today’s fast-food society where kids are constantly inundated with marketing for high-processed junk food with eye-catching packaging on social media. After all, these Multi billion dollar food conglomerates spend big bucks to catch the attention of our youth! On occasions like this try adding in an all natural superfood supplement in a yummy gummy form or supplementing with tasty fruit smoothies. I personally give my own children and highly suggest immunity boosting Happy Hour Organic Vegan Superfood Gummy Bears by Fit Body Weight Loss. My own children say they taste like candy and enjoy taking these yummy gummy bears every day before school with no complaints. Just be sure to limit to the recommended dose, because two yummy gummy bears a day can easily become half a bottle with how delicious they are.
Stay focused on creating healthy snacks and meals that support wellness. Be sure to keep your child’s favorite fruits, veggies and protein options on hand. Try rotating their favorites throughout the week and encourage them to the new produce often. Remember, eating the rainbow ???? is always best.
Wishing all the families a happy and healthy school year!