If you have yet to see this new issue of First For Women Magazine, Board Certified Master Nutritionist, Christina Jordan, shares her wisdom on overcoming a slow thyroid and optimizing your body for maximum weight loss. By aiding her body’s ability to heal she was able to overcome her slow thyroid and also shed over 134 pounds of unhealthy body fat. In addition, Christina was able to share her wisdom with others, including her younger sister. In this special interview Christina opens up about her struggle with weight and how she was able to also help her younger sister, Teresa Lane, who also works at Fit Body Weight Loss as a Patient Care Director. In less than a year Teresa has shed over 80 pounds following her sister’s advice— despite Teresa being a single mom of two, overcoming cancer and being a domestic violence survivor.
Often times, the NUMBER ONE SYMPTOM OF A SLOW THYROID IS WEIGHT GAIN. By heating a slow thyroid most see the benefit of extreme weight loss, especially in the belly area— an area where most thyroid sufferers tend to store fat. Together, both sisters have lost a total of over 200+ pounds and have both healed their slow thyroid. Today, you can learn the exact plan that helped Christina and Teresa, and thousands of others like them, heal their slow thyroid and finally see weight loss success.
In order to heal a low thyroid you must optimize your body’s selenium levels. The thyroid functions best when it receives 200 mcg of selenium per day. Sadly, most American women only consume an average of 108 mcg of selenium daily. That is HALF of what they need to maintain thyroid health. The best way to boost your selenium intake is by receiving it from whole, natural foods. Learn from Christina Jordan, the one of the top experts in America on weight loss on how she personally healed her thyroid and saved herself and her sister from a lifetime of thyroid medications!
Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms:
- Brain Fog
- Memory Loss
- Low Energy
- Fatigue
- Thinning Hair (Alopecia)
- Thinning Eyebrows + Eyelashes
- Loss of Strength
- Mood Swings
- Low Sex Drive
- PCOS & Fertility Issues
- Weight Gain
- Severe Bloating
- Digestive Issues
- Unable To Lose Weight
The truth about what’s really causing so many millions of people to be suffering from countless sicknesses and symptoms is most likely autoimmune related to a slow thyroid. This is often due to the toxicity of our genetically modified foods (GMOs), chemicals in our food, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms you may be suffering from a slow thyroid. If so, you may want to incorporate the following wellness practices into your daily routine.
Let’s begin with nutrition:
Try adding these top thyroid healing foods into your daily meals and snacks into your daily routine. All of the foods listed are packed with thyroid boosting selenium. This powerful nutrient will hep benefit those suffering from a slow thyroid. Many who make positive nutritional changes often see a physical change within the first 30 days. In addition, many lost an average of 7 pounds shed their first week making these positive nutritional changes. Most often this accounts for inflammation, bloating and swelling— which means less belly bloat, joint selling and body pain.
Try adding in these top slow-thyroid healing foods this week!
Brazil nuts: One of the most powerful foods on the planet for healing a slow thyroid is a Brazil nut. This small, but mighty nut contains an average of 96mg of selenium per nut. This makes Brazil nuts the world’s most selenium-rich foods on the planet!
Apples: Apples and one of nature’s best healing foods. The old saying is correct, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away! Frequent apple consumption has been clinically linked to less thyroid issues. In fact, apples contain a special fiber called pectin which bind toxins that can attack and weaken the thyroid. A bonus to pectin is that it actually also helps you feel fuller making it natures perfect appetite suppressant!
Omega-3 Eggs: Packed with nearly every nutrient your thyroid needs for optimal function! This includes zinc, Salemme, iodine and omega-3’s. All of these are natural fat burners and perfect for thyroid health!
Spinach: This leafy green is a good source of thyroid boosting zinc as well as high doses of vitamin C and magnesium. All of these nutrients are proven to lower levels of stress hormones that drastically damage the thyroid!
Avocado: This amazing super food is a powerful combination of soothing good fats and natural amino acids that help our body make the optimal amount of thyroid hormones. Not to mention, all the healthy fat is excellent for better cognitive function and mood. Try adding an avocado to your daily diet.
Almonds: These type of nuts are low acidic and offer thyroid boosting vitamin E, Celerion and magnesium. The healthy fats that are also in these nuts will also help with that or skin health, brain functioning and overall mood.
Salmon: This fantastic fish is packed with thyroid boosting omega-3s and iodine. This powerful combination help keeps your thyroid healthy and is a staple to Christina‘s diet. She enjoys baked, raw or grilled salmon three to four times per week.
Mushrooms: Packed with 31 mcg of selenium per half cup, mushrooms are a fantastic addition to any salad, main dish or served atop a protein. Best selenium rich options are button, cremini and shiitake mushrooms.
At Fit Body Weight Loss we believe in the powerful benefits of plant based supplements to incorporate with a healthy eating plan. The truth is our food in today’s toxic, over-farmed environment has left our crops and livestock lacking nutrients. Plus, combine our nutritional deficiencies with a chaotic, over-loaded lifestyle and a thyroid issue is bound to show up! Many may not even realize that a slow thyroid is actually an autoimmune issue and can be treated naturally, without medications. This is why at Fit Body Weight Loss we created the Autoimmune Weight Loss Program designed specifically for those with thyroid issues.
Achieve healthy, lasting weight loss with the Autoimmune Weight Loss Program, Arizona’s leading natural & healthy weight loss program. This program was carefully developed by Master Nutritionist, Christina Jordan, to balance metabolic hormones, burn belly fat and offer healthy weight loss results. This program has been very effective in helping those who have had difficulty losing weight in the past, including those with diabetes, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, PCOS and thyroid issues.
If you’re ready to bring balance to your body, lose the weight and gain energy, the Autoimmune Weight Loss Program has everything you need to make it a reality. We have helped thousands of men and women nationwide lose the weight and gain freedom in their health. Our clients see great results with this program– all while never feeling tired, hungry or deprived. Most say this was the fastest, easiest and healthiest way to lose the weight!*
Autoimmune Weight Loss Program
You can also contact the Fit Body Weight Loss clinic directly and speak to one of the autoimmune-expert team members on what program and therapies would work best for you. Call anytime, Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm, at 844-537-2408 or send an email to fitbodyweightloss@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: As always be sure to check with our healthcare provider before you start any new program. If you would like to speak with our nutritionists or nurses at Fit Body Weight Loss please feel free to contact our clinic directly at 844-537-2408.