Stop caring what others thing. Do you want to know one of my greatest habits for happiness? Stop wasting your precious time giving one more wasted moment caring about what anybody else thinks of you.
Imagine how liberated and motivated you will feel when the opinions of others no longer emotionally move you. Every moment you give to worrying or stressing about what others think is a moment wasted that you can’t get back.
I challenge you to step up and ask yourself this ONE empowering question… Does my life make me happy and fulfilled? If it does, then you’re doing AWESOME, my friend!
Nobody ever achieved something incredible without raising a few eyebrows or earning a few squinted glances. Imagine what would have happens if Marilyn Monroe would have let others tell her she was “too much” and to lose the sexy curves and blonde hair? Our world would have missed out on one of the most iconic and beautiful women of all time!
The truth is, world changers are focused on their own journey. They are way too busy dreaming, building, doing and stepping out of their comfort zone (which comfort zone is really just our own limited beliefs of what life is supposed to look like)— to ever worry about what others think. Love them, hate them or even mock them— world changers keep on working towards their goals and dreams.
If you want to be happy— and not just kind of happy— I mean like “somebody-pinch-me-because-I-can’t-believe-this-is-MY-life” kind of happy— then you MUST STOP ✋???? caring what ANYBODY (this means friends, family, coworkers, clients, employees, customers or even random people on social media) think of you!
The ONLY person you are responsible for is YOURSELF. You are NOT responsible for making sure everybody likes you or approves of you.
What others think of you— good or bad— has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with them.
In the end, the only option that counts is that YOU like YOU!